Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Spy: A Little Stream of Light

Through this I Spy Science Series, I remind myself and my readers to find the wonder in the physical world around us.  Lately, my kids do the finding, and I just enjoy joining them on a journey of inquiry.

Have you ever stopped to notice the light coming through a tiny opening? Here's a fun introduction to diffraction.

I love watching my children discover the world in those in-between, unstructured moments.  My daughter noticed light diffracting the other day.

What We Saw

The Pony Artist discovered the special way a stream of light that comes through her fingers when she holds them very close together.

What We Asked

We wondered if you could get the same effect by holding your fingers wider or by using two peoples' hands.

What have you and yours noticed recently?  We would love to read it in the comments or on the Thriving STEM Facebook page!

I had this post ready to publish when I came across Mary Anne's post at Mama Smiles, where she talks about doing something similar with Christmas lights.  Take a minute to read it, then spend a little time enjoying the wonder of light this Holiday Season.  Merry Christmas!

Other posts you may enjoy:

I Spy: Rainbows in the Bedroom

1 comment:

I can't wait to hear what you have to say! Thanks for sharing.